Content Marketing


Basic Email Management – It’s as simple as it sounds, but professionally handled. Our email marketing manager will manage up to 2,000 subscribers and write 2 engaging emails each month. We take care of the email design and layout for you. And when emails are sent, a report of open rate and engagement will be delivered.

Advanced Email Management – It’s as simple as it sounds, but professionally handled. Our email marketing manager will manage up to 10,000 subscribers and write 2 engaging emails each month. We take care of the email design and layout for you. And when emails are sent, a report of open rate and engagement will be delivered.

Premium Email Management – It’s as simple as it sounds, but professionally handled. Our email marketing manager will manage up to 10.000 subscribers and write 4 engaging emails each month. We take care of the email design and layout for you. And when emails are sent, a report of open rate and engagement will be delivered.

4 Pack Articles – This is a monthly subscription for 4 keyword rich, uniquely written articles with 500-800 words each month. Articles can be in English or Spanish.

8 Pack Articles – This is a monthly subscription for 8 keyword rich, uniquely written articles with 500-800 words each month. Articles can be in English or Spanish.

Youtube Setup – This is a complete YouTube Channel setup and optimization that includes the Creator Studio cover and profile graphics, tags and video comments & monetization review from 50-100 videos.

Youtube Marketing – This is a monthly service for our video experts to upload 4 videos and optimize them for better ranking and traffic. They’ll handle the comments and monetization review. A report will be sent out at the end of each month.

Services Available

Check mark iconBasic Email Management

Check mark iconAdvanced Email Management

Check mark iconPremium Email Management

Check mark icon4 Pack Articles

Check mark icon8 Pack Articles

Check mark iconYoutube Setup

Check mark iconYoutube Marketing

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Whatever Hours (WH)

These are hours logged by our staff to do anything and everything you want for free. This normally takes place after the proposed services are already complete and you require a custom function or service to be performed. Our staff will then log time until your WH are used up. If the request requires more time, you will have the option to pay for additional work. Not all services will include WH.